As mothers we all seek to offer our children the best possible future. We aspire to give them everything they could ever need in order to set them in the right direction when they grow up. But what if we were to tell you that you can begin offering your children a healthier route to a happier body from the moment you conceive them? Would you be interested in learning more?
Well, according to the Medical Research Council the way we eat during pregnancy can have a detrimental influence upon our children’s eating habits in the future.
Under their thesis, they believe external environmental elements such as our diet can affect how our genes are passed onto our children. Depending on the type of external element, for example a carbohydrate based diet, could in turn cause particular genes to end up being capped.
And once capped, it is harder to activate within the body when needed - weight loss being a prime example of this scenario being put into action.
In a study performed by the Canadian Cardiovascular Genetics Research Centre they found that when a particular mechanism within our muscles is capped it can have dramatic affect upon our ability to lose weight.
Now whilst this theory is still under testing and is yet to be clinically proven in terms of knowing how much this could possibly influence a child’s eating habits, it does put what we eat as a parent into a whole new perspective.
Everything we do, every action we make in some shape and form is passed onto our children. From conception to beyond our diet choices could be having a subconscious impact upon our children.
So what do you do? Begin making the changes - today.
Scientists may believe that this is all down to genetics, but you CAN still have a positive influence over your children’s eating habits – beginning with what you do this Mother’s Day.
You can make this momentous day into one that is truly worth celebrating by ensuring that you set a clear precedent for your children. From exercising regularly to cutting down on their saturated fat content, you can begin making the right changes that will continue to guide them as adults and parents themselves.
So whether you already have children or are planning to have some more in the future, make this Mother’s day one to remember – as the day you took that first step to setting them on the right path.
Easy ways to lose weight fast
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